GET /whoami
Edward Vaisman
Software Developer & Event Streaming Connoisseur
🐄 Currently running Apache Kafka at scale
🇨🇦 Based in Toronto, Canada.

About Me
Hello and welcome to my personal website. This website was built
with ❤️ using
I'm a software developer with 5 years of professional
experience and a potent interest for event-driven systems.
Proficiency in operating multi-region distributed streaming
platforms like Apache Kafka on AWS. Extensive software development
life-cycle experience exercised from start to finish, along with
prominent communication skills and constructive attitude.
What you'll find here is a collection of musings &
meanderings from a self-proclaimed
Event Streaming Connoisseur.
Expect to see many things that range from
"How to effectively run large scale distributed systems"
"Let's exit vim... Once and for all."
Technology is inescapable. It's present in almost every aspect of our lives, ranging from how we work to how we play. That being said, with the everlasting flow of time, technology continues to improve and evolve. I do my best to stay up to date on the latest and greatest. Here are some things I've picked up along the way.
Event Driven Architecture
An architectural paradigm promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events. Ample experience both building and designing systems with this paradigm in mind. Primarly with the use of Apache Kafka & Microservices at it's core.
Web Development
Success online starts with a great website for both desktop and mobile users. But ultimately, it starts with building a website that's best for you. Whether it's built using WordPress, React, Vue, or even just plain-old HTML, CSS, and JavaScript it should be built with the best SEO practices in mind.
Cloud Computing
Experienced in building products for both public (AWS) and private (OpenStack) clouds primarly to deliver things such as Kafka as a service throughout your organization using a combination of tools such as Terraform and Atlantis
Recent Blog Posts

Deciding to Become an Event Driven Enterprise
So, when is an organization ready for event-driven architectures?

Blog Post Elements
This is my very first blog post! It contains a variety of examples to show what your markdown files will look like out of the box after gridsome & vuejs is done with them.
and more...